Vilu Travel Designers

Annex B - Travel Associate Commissions


  1. The commissions in this scheme are only for referring potential clients. The commissions in this scheme are 20% on profit generated by Vilu Travel Designers according to clause 4c in the event that the referred client and trip have materialized in a confirmed and completed trip.
  2. To determine the commission schedule, the commissions generated are based on the 100% commissions generated before distributing the commission percentages as mentioned in the calculation of item 4c.
  3. The time at which a trip is determined to be effective for commission purposes is the time at which the trip begins.
  4. The calculation of the gain is made as follows:
    1. Revenue: Travel Planning Commission + Supplier Commissions + Profit Markups according to Vilu Travel rules + Surcharges charged (The reason for the surcharge will be reviewed with the Vilu Travel team to verify that it can be counted as revenue).
    2. Costs: Errors + Gifts to customers
    3. Profit: Income minus Losses. The result of this mathematical operation is what will be taken as profit generated at 100% for commissions, benefits, etc. schemes. On this number, commissions will be distributed according to the scheme and step.
  5. For the payment of commissions, the following indipensable requirement must be met:
    1. Make a trip closure with the Vilu Travel Designers team. Once the closing is done, the payment will be made in the first 15 days of the month immediately following the month in which the review and closing of the trip has been done. The trip closing is done once the trip is finished. In case of not closing the trip, the commissions cannot be paid. There is a 3 month deadline to close out the trip with the team after the trip completion date. In case of not closing the trip, the commissions cannot be paid totally or partially.

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Signed by Juan Manuel Ezquerra Osorio
Signed On: 17 December, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: Annex B - Travel Associate Commissions
lock iconUnique Document ID: 3edfd3b3f482e0a36589ed0bb094f588c917b9b7
Timestamp Audit
17 December, 2024 9:40 pm CSTAnnex B - Travel Associate Commissions Uploaded by Juan Manuel Ezquerra Osorio - IP